Is the Left being slowly being displaced by a new form of ‘Irish Poujadisme’?

Before I draw in for the weekend, there’s a very good piece by Noel Whelan in the Irish Times (€!) from yesterday which is well worth mentioning… It’s on the nature of protest, and its legitimate limits. In the tail of the piece he also raises another more political question, which he directs at the left-led protests against the installation of water meters in the Republic: which is about the protection of workers going about their business. First Whelan’s take …

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Police win flag protest appeal

As the BBC reports, the Appeals Court has overturned a High Court ruling in April that the PSNI misdirected themselves in relation to policing the flag protests in Belfast – which “led to the situation in which the police facilitated illegal and sometimes violent parades with the effect of undermining the 1998 Act, in breach of their duties under section 32 of the Police (NI) Act 2000 and in breach of the applicant’s Article 8 rights.”  From the BBC report …

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‘The Living Spirit of Revolt: the Infrapolitics of Anarchism’: Book Review

How can anarchism get beyond marginalized impacts, finicky theorists, and squabbling activists? A Slovenian political scientist, Žiga Vodovnik, offers suggestions forward. This concise survey occupies a space, if pre-Occupy (despite a 2013 copyright for the English translation this offers no updates but the late Howard Zinn, who died in 2010, provides an encouraging introduction), where an overview of anarchism’s philosophies and history segues into a connection to not only Continental and British thinkers, but its overlooked, attenuated American Transcendental roots. …

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Does social media have much influence or use in NI politics or protests? #nisocialpol

Researchers Orna Young and Jonny Byrne hosted a panel discussion in the University of Ulster this morning on Transformative Networks – Social Media, Politics and Protests. A panel gave their thoughts and afterwards there was a discussion. In the first part you’ll hear Orna Young introduce the event, followed by Alan Meban and Dave Magee. listen to ‘Part 1 of panel on Social Media, Politics & Protests #nisocialpol @alaninbelfast, @dgmagee ’ on Audioboo The second part covers Harriet Long, Brian …

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Cartoon – One year on

Brian SpencerBrian is a writer, artist, political cartoonist and legal blogger. Actively tweeting from @brianjohnspencr. More information here:

50,000 protesters hope Cameron’s next Act will be a disappearing one

While the Tory Party was preparing to open its 2013 party conference on Sunday with a tribute to Margaret Thatcher – a 10-minute video which received a standing ovation and left many with a tear in their eye – tens of thousands of protestors made their way through streets of Manchester to censure the government’s privatisation plans and their impact on jobs and the quality of health care on a march to #SaveOurNHS. The 50,000 strong rally made its way …

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“Simply because if you fill in a form you could get charged with an offence”

So, Mervyn Gibson rocked the boat on The View last night, when he noted the Orange may, after taking legal advice, choose not to notify the Parades Commission… Why? because one of the outcomes of the recent flag protest is a new ‘understanding’ that if you don’t notify the Parades Commission, there is nothing they can do. In other words, everything returns to the status quo ante; minus any form of prior notification being required by police or parades commission. …

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Rioting: Northern Ireland Street Theatre

As the violence over flags inevitably wanes, debates over the legitimacy of loyalist actions will continue. What will be obscured in the discussion is a key feature of rioting in Northern Ireland – namely that it is a controlled performance and creative spectacle. A burning car in the middle of the road is a striking scene, whether watched in delight or disgust. Petrol bombs hang in the air like Chinese Lanterns; fireworks and police vans light up the night sky; …

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OFMdFM: Political leadership, what’s that then?

So where’s big politics in all of this flegs crisis. Answer: It is getting smaller and less apparent every day that passes. So far OFMdFM have issued two statements. The first was as follows: The First Minister Rt Hon Peter D. Robinson MLA and deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness MP MLA have this evening spoken to the Speaker of the Assembly to ask him to bring forward the Plenary sitting of the Assembly on Monday 10 December in order to …

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Row over opening changing rooms in Bushmills

The official opening of new changing rooms at the Dundarave Playing Fields in Bushmills was postponed last night due to a protest by local people. The Chair of Bushmills council, independent (former SF) councillor Padraig McShane, was due to conduct the official opening of the facility. The specific objections to Cllr. McShane seem to be due to his recent attempts to twin the council with Gaza and also remarks he is said to have made about the Twelfth in Ballycastle …

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Ian Tomlinson unlawfully killed

The jury at the inquest into the death of Ian Tomlinson on the day of the G20 protests in London two years ago has found that Mr. Tomlainson was unlawfully killed and that PC Simon Harwood used “excessive and unreasonable” force in striking him. Mr Tomlinson, who was not taking part in the protests in London, posed no threat, the jury added. Criminal proceedings could reopen against Pc Harwood after jurors ruled he acted illegally, recklessly and dangerously. Last year, …

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“The content of this bill seeks to remove the Parades Commission…”

Newshound spots an interesting report in the Newry Democrat.  I’ve already noted the decision by the Orange Order’s Grand Lodge.  Now it’s reported that, at a specially convened meeting, Newry and Mourne Council have agreed to oppose the Sinn Féin/DUP drafted Public Assemblies, Parades and Protests Bill on the grounds it is “an infringement of civil liberties and human rights“.  According to the Newry Democrat report [SDLP group leader Councillor Gary] Stokes said Sinn Fein has “joined forces” with the DUP in promoting the …

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Tensions rising, again, in Belfast

UTV reports police have fired baton rounds in north Belfast where they are attempting to remove protesters who have blocked the Upper Crumlin Road near the Ardoyne shops.  UTV are also reporting an attempt to block the Ormeau Road.  A number of hijacked vehicles during the day are also causing security alerts elsewhere in the city.  Other sporadic incidents were also reported today in Lurgan and Armagh, including an attempt to set fire to a train in Lurgan. Adds  Clearly some commenters could do …

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“This is an attempt to curtail liberties and rights…”

As I mentioned yesterday, there is a growing lobby opposed to the DUP/SF drafted legislation on contentious parades public assembly.  The Guardian has a short post by Dr Vicky Conway of the Human Rights in Ireland group blog.  As the post at the Guardian points out The Public Assemblies, Parades and Protests Bill, published on 20 April of this year, stems from the Hillsborough Agreement of February which established a committee to deal with parading issues. Recognising the competing rights of all relating to parades …

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Police exchange programme: Training? Operational deployment? Both?

In response to the concerns raised by the chairman of the South Yorkshire Police Federation, Bob Pitt, the reported statement by the PSNI appears to confirm that the “training programmes in NI” for police officers from Yorkshire, Northumbria and Strathclyde over the next few months may involve operational deployment. From the BBC report Bob Pitt is chairman of the South Yorkshire Police Federation. “Obviously our concern is for PSNI officers in the first instance, they’re the ones who are currently facing targeted violence …

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Republican prisoners – meeting and protest clash but no clash

As a meeting was held on republican prisoners in the Conway Mill (chaired by Maura McCrory with contributions from Peter Corrigan, Fr Raymond Murray, Carál Ní Chuilín,  Maura Fitzsimmons, Gerard Hodgins and Brenda Downes), Republican Sinn Féin gathered for a protest march from Dunville Park to Castle Street on the same issue. RSF in their tradition of not engaging with broad fronts did not attend or officially contact the organisers of the much larger meeting in Conway Mill and I …

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