51% of A-level entries were awarded A* or A grades…

exam, teacher, board

It is that time of year when the news is full of those cheesy pictures of attractive A-Level students jumping in the air. While you don’t want to rain on their parade you do wonder what is going on if 51% of them got As. Grade inflation just pushes up the entry requirements for universities. When I went to Queen’s I sailed in with a bunch of Bs, now most courses are looking As. Law wants 3 As. You used …

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How best to manage school transfers?

The coronavirus crisis upends society, changes the way we live and presents huge challenges to every sector, including the education sector. The crisis has both led to immediate and dramatic changes and prompted a deeper analysis of how we structure our system in the future. The initial response of closing schools led to the challenge of how examinations would be managed. In the unprecedented circumstances of school closures, DE rightly decided that GCSE and A level exams would not take …

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