Eamonn Dunphy: “It is better if listeners know what your views are”

I have to say I cannot see what’s wrong in principle with Eamonn Dunphy declaring which candidate he was going to vote for whilst continuing his role as a journalist during a tense election campaign. He may have run foul of the strict broadcasting rules, but as he notes himself: Dunphy said as a “general principle” he believed it was right that broadcasters should not publicly declare their support for an election candidate in or out of the studio, but …

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#Aras11: McGuinness versus Mitchell on Newstalk

This debate on the Dunphy Show this morning is well worth listening to for two reasons. One, given Mr Dunphy has said he will be voting for Martin McGuinness, we can be fairly sure the Derry man was given a fair crack of the whip. And two, it’s the first time on this campaign I’ve heard Gay Mitchell (a Queens graduate) put through his paces. Those of you who have already heard it will no doubt have your views immediately …

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