Election day open thread #ge11

The big day is here. Mick’s in Cavan at the moment (more on that soon) and will be in Roscommon & Kilkenny later – go along if you can. Update: We’ve added a ‘CoverItLive’ window in this post (thanks Mark McG!) – it’ll probably be fairly quiet until tomorrow but worth checking back to see if you’re not a regular Twitter user: Election 2011 John has just posted on his expectations and is asking you to put your cards on the table …

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Chilean miners rescue: Liveblog

Slugger readers will be familiar with CoverItLive. Channel Four have a live news stream and liveblog of the Chilean miners rescue here. There are rumours that a couple of the miners are very annoyed with themselves because they forgot to clock-in at the start of their last shift…. adminA slightly inhuman presence that bans bad comments and works late at night to remove the wrinkles in Slugger’s technical carpet. You will need to know about the comments policy to stay off the …

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