“Utter fucking chaos” (Fianna Fáil)

Those were the words used by one witness in describing last night’s six hour meeting of the Fianna Fáil Oireachtas members, as reported by Ivan Yates on Newstalk (comments are passim through the podcast, but check out Parts 3 and 4 in particular). The Oireachtas group were discussing policy regarding the Presidential election, which Fianna Fáil had already decided not to contest. It appeared that the party had already squeezed sufficient and significant negative mileage out of not contesting the Presidential election by trying to recruit Gay Byrne whilst …

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Presidential runners and riders (so far)…

One of the most remarkable things about the race for the Irish Presidency is it’s lack of spark. This should not be too much of a surprise, when you consider that there wasn’t one seven years ago. When Mary McAleese announced she would run again, everyone else counted up the cost and the likelihood of winning, and said, “nah, not really…” The piece of colour was Senator David Norris who crashed out early when hit by a second media storm …

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