If Carlsberg did weekends

What a weekend – a hugely successful Fianna Fáil Ard Fheis coupled with Ireland leaving Paris undefeated. The energy and enthusiasm at the Ard Fheis was palpable, not to mention the great feeling from being surrounded by thousands of real Republicans, without a single balaclava or cartridge in sight. The passing of One Member One Vote (OMOV) was a key outcome, as not only does it give all grassroots members a real involvement with the party, it also ensures the …

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O’Snodaigh​’s Prints Dont Stack Up

Media reports estimate the huge number of toner cartridges SF’s Aengus O’Snodaigh took would be enough to print between 3 to 4 million pages. If we take the lower figure of 3 million, divide by the pages per minute of a fast colour printer (20ppm) we get 150,000 minutes. Divide this by 60 we get 2,500 hours. Divide this by 8 (typical number of working hours per day) we get 312.5. In other words to print the number of pages …

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