Rating female politicians’ appearance is demeaning sexism from Belfast Telegraph

Northern Ireland has some of the lowest levels of female participation in politics of anywhere in Western Europe. Anyone who read a copy of this morning’s morning the Belfast Telegraph can be in no doubt as to why. The newspaper has dedicated a double page spread to commenting on and rating the appearances of female election candidates in lurid detail. It reads more like the salivating sexism of a teenage boy ranking girls at school, than a piece of journalism …

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Women of Northern Ireland- we need our own political party

The so called ‘trickle down’ effect is one of the most hallowed ideas projected onto social justice issues. But it’s also one of the most flawed.    Women in Northern Ireland have been told for years to bide our time and wait for gender equality to trickle down. Female representation at Stormont and Westminster has been dire for decades, but, so goes the myth, there’s nothing we can do about it except sit and wait for the tide to turn naturally.    …

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Slugger’s guide to A level results day and the best degrees still available through Clearing

Welcome to Slugger’s guide to the best degrees in the UK still available through the Clearing system. All of which start in Autumn of this year. We’ve tried to tailor the following list to the topics most discussed on here- politics, law, journalism, economics, and philosophy. If there are any others you’d like us to keep an eye on for you feel; free to comment below or email me at [email protected] In a day dominated by emotions and photos of …

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How poetry fuelled the Arab Uprising

‘Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found its words’, like all great maxims, this musing of Robert Frost may seem on the face of it too suspiciously beautiful to hold any real truth. But with recent events in Egypt, the world watched as a nation which had long suffered from suppression of expression fought back through the written word. During a regime of controlled press and, in its later stages, restricted use of social …

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