Two Years in New Ireland – Or How I Missed the Start of the Thatcher Era…

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  Following on from my previous post – here is how I came to be in New Ireland, and some of my experiences there. I was studying civil engineering and unadventurously living at home, having gone to an all boys’ schools and swopped that for a class full of guys at Queens. A likely 40 year engineering career in the DOE (Dept of Everything) beckoned. In the summer before my final year, I met a Fr Austin Healy, home on …

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New Ireland – Hibernia in the South Pacific…

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Inspired by Brian O’Neill’s call for new contributors, this is a first-time post; little to do with politics and nothing to do with pestilence, but hopefully a bit of an antidote to the latter. If you were like me, and loved to browse an atlas in days before the internet, you might possibly have happened upon a seemingly innocuous speck of an island on the opposite side of the world which rejoices in the name New Ireland. I had come …

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