Unionist backroom
David Trimble enjoys an unpressured meeting with Cyril Ramaphosa before coming back to the hothouse that is Northern Ireland. More speculation on the upcoming meeting of the UUC here and here.
Shaken or stirred?
I linked back to a great idea on Phil Murphy’s site some time ago. All manner of politicians and institutions can be grouped into one of two categories – Shaken or Stirred? As a starter, he produces his own list: …
10 good things about Dublin
Some of this could also be said about Belfast, but as the author hails from Armagh originally, I guess he had his reasons for heading for the southern metropolis instead of the big smoke of the North.
Election talk
Unionists continue with the mutual bashing contest. Trimble gets suport from nationalists – here and here.
Colombian three
David Trimble made use of his visit to the Earth Summit to hold consultation talks with the Colombian Foreign Minister. On weblogs try Terry McMenamin, who commented on this issue last week. To whom, thanks for the plug.
Did you know?
The Prince of Orange is not just a principle character of Irish history, he’s also champion of water at the Summit in Jo’burg.
As kids go back to school
There may be enough of a break in the interface areas of Belfast to restore claim. Holy Cross went back today without any trouble arising. Loyalists have been calling for claim all round, with Archbishop Eames lending his support.