Last Thursday we noted a video of We Are Change activists questioning of Prionsias De Rossa. As we noted then the video was rather dark and indistinct, and edited to end rather abruptly. So what happened next? From what we’ve been able to gather since picking up some scant detail on Damien’s blog yesterday the WAC group approached De Rossa after the meeting, despite raising their issues during the meeting and were as one source told Slugger, “highly aggressive and provocative”. De Rossa was trying to get away by going around him when they tripped him up, whether intentionally or not, and then sat on him and continued their ‘interrogation’.The video that was posted online tells the viewer what they are supposed to be seeing but it stops short of showing themselves sitting on a man who is hitting his 68th birthday next month. It is understood that they actually recorded the whole incident from start to finish. So it has to be asked why they only showed the heavily edited part online? One answer seems to be that their counterparts in the US been making hay on the back of it.
Mick is founding editor of Slugger. He has written papers on the impacts of the Internet on politics and the wider media and is a regular guest and speaking events across Ireland, the UK and Europe. Twitter: @MickFealty
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